Lefkosia, Cyprus 19-25 October 2024
VOLU.M.Experience / 19.-25.10.2024 / Lefkosia (Cyprus) was a training having as a target group EX (EVS/ESC) volunteers who are still involved or potentially involved in the field of youth work – we aimed to gather the experience and perspectives of former volunteers as participants in volunteering projects and define issues, content, topics related to volunteer management, so that future projects may rely on lessons learned from practice, for improved quality implementation.
The six day training involved and evolved around activities in an effort of distilling the precious experience of the participates as end beneficiaries of the European Solidarity Program. Exploring their personal learning experience and growth, sharing stories with persons that could understand the common experience and eventually developing a common story of the experience with the story telling tool “Kamishibai”. Eventually the participants once going deeper within their experience, and understanding the structure of the ECS program and its actors, worked on creative presentations for a publication “ESC at its Best!!” The publication is a gathering of products, after discussion, sharing of experiences, debates, recognition of learning, critical view of practices, understanding of practices implemented or not in the ESC experience of the ex volunteers. This is the personal view and recomendations formulated by the participants of the Training “Volu.M.Experience”, in a creative way, towards National Agencies, Hosting and Sending organisations, Mentors, European Commission. Please enjoy and take into consideration!!
The training funded by the Erasmus Plus program was based on non formal methods and focused not he personal learning experience of the participants.
The training was developed as a result of our common experience since 2015, from the era of European Voluntary Service (EVS) up to European Solidarity Program (ESC) and aims to achieve common ground and understanding on volunteer management issues, mentoring skills, professional development regarding youth workers key competences – based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers, creating a community of practice and peer support among the implementers of European Volunteering projects.
We are offering youth workers, volunteering project coordinators, (support) staff of ESC hosting & sending organisations, mentors (to be) of volunteers, facilitators actively involved in ESC & other (international) volunteering projects and ex-volunteers the opportunity to join one or more of the following training activities:
Four long-term partner organizations – EJBW- Weimar, Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyioton- Lefkosia (Youth Accreditation holders), Pro Vobis-Cluj-Napoca and Hors Pistes- Marseille, we have structured a sequence of trainings.. Further events of the series are:
VOLU.M.E Diversity & Inclusion | 19.-25.01.2025 | Weimar (Germany)
Target group of the event: representatives (coordinators, pedagogical staff, mentors, support-persons) from organisations that have experience in both EVS and ESC projects (at least 3 project implemented and finalised), aimed at developing common understanding and first steps on diversifying their hosting & sending practices with a specific objective on making project more inclusive (for different target groups). Participants of the event are invited to join the follow-up event “VOLU.M.E Diversity & Inclusion 2, 23.-29.06.2025, in Lefkosia (Cyprus)” (see below)
VOLU.M.Enhanced | 28.04.-04.05.2025 | Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Target group of the event: representatives (coordinators, pedagogical staff, mentors, support-persons) from organisations that have experience in both EVS and ESC projects (at least 3 project implemented and finalised), for sharing a deeper introspection on the volunteer management process, challenges and good practices in European Volunteering projects. The event seeks to support the professional development regarding youth workers key competences – based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers, creating a community of practice and peer support among the implementers of European Volunteering projects.
VOLU.M.E Diversity & Inclusion 2 | 23.-29.06.2025 | Lefkosia (Cyprus)
Target group of the event: representatives (coordinators, pedagogical staff, mentors, support-persons) from organisations that have experience in both EVS and ESC projects (at least 3 project implemented and finalised), aimed at further networking and developing specific (mutual) measures on diversifying their hosting & sending practices with a specific objective on making project more inclusive (for different target groups). Participants of the event ideally participated in the previous event “VOLU.M.E Diversity & Inclusion, 19.-25.01.2025, in Weimar (Germany).