Based on our more than 8 years of field experience, offering opportunities for organizations to build capacity concerning Volunteer Management Skills is essential for a quality implementation of international volunteering projects (focused e.g. on the European Solidarity Corps Programme – ESC), we have proceeded in implemeting the Training Course Mentors I – Target group of the event: newcomers in the field of mentoring & mentors to be
Four long-term partner organizations – EJBW- Weimar, Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyioton- Lefkosia (Youth Accreditation holders), Pro Vobis-Cluj-Napoca and Hors Pistes- Marseille, we have strucured a sequence of 5 trainings, under the title: “Making Magic in the Kingdom of Volunteering”.
The Training Course Mentors I –
Target group of the event: newcomers in the field of mentoring & mentors to be.
Mentor’s I training’s aim was to achieve common ground, understanding on volunteer management issues, mentoring skills, professional development regarding youth workers key competences based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers, creating a community of practice and peer support among the implementers of European Volunteering projects. A special focus is given to the role of mentors and competences for mentors. The course was designed for newcomers in the field or mentoring.
The training was structured to support participants who have taken responsibility in mentoring activities for international volunteers, who have none or minimal experience. Main topics besides the Group Dynamics were: Learning process, My experience in mentoring, Introduction to ESC, Youthpasss and competences for volunteers and youthworkers, Tasks of mentors and tools to support the mentoring process.
It took place in the city of Lefkosia and in the venue of activites of Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton (
The proposed trainings are developed as a result of our common experience since 2015, from the era of European Voluntary Service (EVS) up to European Solidarity Program (ESC) and aim to achieve common ground and understanding on volunteer management issues, mentoring skills, professional development regarding youth workers key competences – based on the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers, creating a community of practice and peer support among the implementers of European Volunteering projects. A special focus will be given to the role of mentors and competences for mentors.
The project was supported by: