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Qui.L.T. – Quality In Learning and Training – Courses opportunities
The concept of Qui.L.T. encloses the Quality in Learning and Training experiences that Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton Just like quilting, where various patches come together to create a cohesive and vibrant whole, our courses are stitched in such a way to bring together different elements to create a rich and…
Volu.M.Experience Training course
Lefkosia, Cyprus 19-25 October 2024 VOLU.M.Experience / 19.-25.10.2024 / Lefkosia (Cyprus) was a training having as a target group EX (EVS/ESC) volunteers who are still involved or potentially involved in the field of youth work – we aimed to gather the experience and perspectives of former volunteers as participants in…
Training Course Mentors I I
12/04-18/04 2024, Weimar Germany Based on our more than 8 years of field experience, offering opportunities for organizations to build capacity concerning Volunteer Management Skills is essential for a quality implementation of international volunteering projects (focused e.g. on the European Solidarity Corps Programme – ESC), we have proceeded in implemeting…