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“Beacon of Values – giving some light to the way
Μάιος 30, 2023 @ 6:00 μμ - 8:15 μμ

“Beacon of Values – giving some light to the way”
Closing project event – presentation of results and workshops
Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Beacon of Values”
18:00 – 20:15 30th May 2023
We would like to invite you to participate in our closing event “Beacon of Values – giving some light to the way” that will be held on May 30th 2023 in Lefkosia at Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton. Knowing the need of opportunities of owning the discussion on values in our lives we offer this opportunity to share our results but also offer an opportunity for you to participate in short workshops on a hands on experience of activities.
About the project
In today’s fast paced, event-filled, news-bombed lifestyle, it’s easy to lose sight of what guides you in your work and everyday life. The “Beacon of Values” is project focused on offering the exploration of values and what they mean to us, how we perceive and act on them. The project was inspired by the “Values Toolbox” created by our partner EJWB in Weimar and investigated methods and activities that we can apply in our work with young people, adults, students, with the purpose of guiding them to identify and connect with their own values.
To achieve the above the first step was, training courser multipliers. The Multipliers applied what they had learned, facilitating a workshop in their own communities.
About the Event
The implemented activities and flow of the training course will be presented during the Closing event. In addition Participants in the event will have the chance to experience participation in short workshops (45’) the use of tools developed or added to the collection of the “Beacon of Values Toolbox”. Participation on workshops will be declared upon arrival.
Certificates of Participation will be given by the end of the event. You are welcome to participate and also invite interested persons. The event will be in English and Greek.
About the partners
Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton (Cyprus) – https://politistiko-ergastiri.org/
Pro Vobis – National Resource Center for Volunteering (Romania) – http://www.provobis.ro/
Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (Germany) – Europäische Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar